Peacock’s Monologues

Peacock’s Monologues

Peacock’s Monologues

Matthew Wolkow

29 minutes | 2020

supported by PRIM through
the Creation Assistance Program

La Distributrice de Films

Peacock's Monologues - Matthew Wolkow

Halfway between poetry, ornithology and improvised music, this film is an appointment. A meeting of sorts that begins 6000 km apart between Lisbon and Montreal, and foremost a conversation between two neighbours. The very result of a trip to Portugal for one and faraway reminiscences for the other. An appointment, but one could also say a meeting, an interview, a conversation between two neighbors; one curious about his job and the other, retired. All born from the aftermath of a trip to Portugal by one and memories of the country by the other.

Peacock's Monologues - Matthew Wolkow
© 2025 PRIM - Tous droits réservés.

Vases communicants

Vases communicants


François Lemieux and Edith Brunette

79 minutes | 2020

Supported by PRIM in the context of the LUX residency
with Main Film, Vidéographe and Oboro

Distribution Vidéographe

Vases communicants - Edith Brunette et François Lemieux

Through these gestures, a landscape is elaborated, cobbled and moving, which testifies to logics of coexistence with a world squared, certainly, of infrastructures which program and cut out – borders, agencies of human resources, pipelines, networks of surveillance – but also streaked with movements which do not allow themselves to be seized – fugitive migrations, depression, disengagement, occupations, tiredness, explosions, leaks. Movements of beings, things and indecisive matters, which leave their traces and invite to other jumps, always.
Vases communicants points to a world in survival that seeks to ensure its own survival by containing the movements of materials, capital and humans, while assigning each thing to its place: but retention prepares the bursting, and this world leaks everywhere. Edith Brunette and François Lemieux’s research will consist in articulating objects, filmed manipulations and texts in order to narrate in an experimental, poetic and critical way the construction – and the possible deposition – of this world.

© 2025 PRIM - Tous droits réservés.