Tam Khoa Vu is the recipient of the PRIM | MAI 2022-2023 residency!
Congratulations to
Tam Khoa Vu,
recipient of the PRIM | MAI residency

The PRIM and MAI teams are pleased to announc Tam Khoa Vu as the recipient of the joint PRIM | MAI 2022-2023 residency program for his project My Country, Their Water (2023).
PRIM and the MAI (Montreal, arts interculturels) have partnered to offer a long-term joint residency and mentorship to an artist that wishes to experiment, develop their skills, and create a media-based artwork. PRIM will offer its filming equipment and facilities to the artist for the production of a work in video art, documentary, fiction, or audio art. Tam Khoa Vu will have the opportunity to present their completed work in the spaces at the MAI as part of the official programming of the 23-24 season. The MAI defends and supports the development, creation, presentation and promotion of intercultural arts (hybrid arts resulting from an amalgam of forms, genres, styles, disciplines and languages) intended for various audiences.
Tam Khoa Vu is an artist based in Tio’Tia:Ke / Montreal, QC With a background in design and a bachelor’s in Design and Computation Arts from Concordia University (BFA 2017); his work challenges common representations and depictions of Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Canadian identity, while playfully opening up spaces of abundance, possibility, and nuance. Using various visual and digital art forms, his practice explores themes of production, manufacturing, power, representation, and identity by exploring the nuances of the “third space” of the diasporic experience between Vietnam and Canada.
Notable presentations of the artist’s works include MAI – Justice Project (2022), Montreal, QC (2022); ARTCH Emerging Artists Exhibition, Montreal, QC (2021), Eastern Bloc, Montreal, QC (2016). He has received grants from funding bodies and institutions such as OBORO (2022), Conseil des arts et des Lettres du Québec (2022, 2021), and the MAI (2022).
This project is produced with support from the Government of Quebec and the City of Montreal as part of l’Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal, and from the Canada Council for the Arts
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