


Sarah Baril Gaudet

La Cabane
81 minutes | 2020

supported by PRIM through
theRisky Documentary Assistance Program

Distribution Les Films du 3 mars

Passage - Sarah Baril Gaudet

Gabrielle and Yoan are 18 years old. Even though they both grew up in Témiscamingue, their aspirations are opposite. While Yoan wants to leave the region to break his loneliness and explore his homosexuality, Gabrielle is torn at the idea of pursuing her studies more than a hundred kilometers from home.

Passage - Sarah Baril Gaudet
© 2025 PRIM - Tous droits réservés.




François Delisle

Films 53/12
18 minutes | 2020

supported by PRIM through
the Creation Assistance Program

Fragments Distribution

CHSLD - François Delisle

François Delisle paints an intimate portrait of his mother, a resident of a CHSLD. A dive into the daily and medical life of a woman at the end of her life, where respect, love and dignity persist.

Prayer for a Lost Mitten - Jean-François Lesage

Festival Off-Courts de Trouville
People’s Choice Awards

Prends ça court !
Prix de l’Association des propriétaires de cinémas du Québec

© 2025 PRIM - Tous droits réservés.

Peacock’s Monologues

Peacock’s Monologues

Peacock’s Monologues

Matthew Wolkow

29 minutes | 2020

supported by PRIM through
the Creation Assistance Program

La Distributrice de Films

Peacock's Monologues - Matthew Wolkow

Halfway between poetry, ornithology and improvised music, this film is an appointment. A meeting of sorts that begins 6000 km apart between Lisbon and Montreal, and foremost a conversation between two neighbours. The very result of a trip to Portugal for one and faraway reminiscences for the other. An appointment, but one could also say a meeting, an interview, a conversation between two neighbors; one curious about his job and the other, retired. All born from the aftermath of a trip to Portugal by one and memories of the country by the other.

Peacock's Monologues - Matthew Wolkow
© 2025 PRIM - Tous droits réservés.