Dream machine


Bruno Boulianne

75 minutes | 2025

Supported by PRIM as part of the
Programme d’aide à la création

Prayer for a Lost Mitten - Jean-François Lesage


Passionate about living heritage and navigation on the St. Lawrence, Kevin Gagné and Raymond Lachance build the most beautiful dream machine of all: a gleaming ice canoe. Inspired by the importance of passing on a rich culture and endangered know-how, their boatyard ignites the spark of rediscovered knowledge and memory from one generation to the next. The better to pass on to their children, grandchildren and an entire community.



Screenplay: Bruno Boulianne

Photo direction: Alex Margineanu

Sound recording: Stéphane Barsalou

Editing: Vincent Guignard

Sound design: Mélanie Gauthier

Music: Alexis Dumais

Protagonists : Kevin Gagné, Raymond Lachance, Johanne Simard, Gilles Gagné, Paul Lachance

Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma Montreal, Canada
Blue Carpet – 2025