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Tam Khoa Vu,
recipient of the PRIM | MAI residency


This month, we have the pleasure of welcoming visual artist Anne-Renée Hotte, who is going to be working on her video installation project during her PRIM | Dazibao residency!

This joint residency offers an artist an exceptional opportunity to produce and broadcast a work that raises formal and conceptual issues specific to image practices.

Anne-Renée Hotte creates videographic and photographic installations that focus on the construction of communities, their cultural, emotional and physical codes. Her work oscillates between mise en scène and documentary gaze.

A Concordia University photography graduate (2010), Anne-Renée Hotte completed her master’s degree in visual and media arts at the University of Quebec in Montreal in 2015. Her work has been presented in several locations here and abroad, notably at the Musée d’art contemporain des Laurentides, at the Galerie Artem (Quimper, France), at the Galerie de l’Université de l’Indonésie (Jakarta), at Volta NY (New York, États-Unis), at Caravansérail (Rimouski), at FOFA Gallery (Montreal), at the Galerie de l’UQÀM (Montreal) and at the Galerie Trois Points (Montreal).

Her video installation will be presented at Dazibao from February 9 to April 8 2023.

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