Comme une spirale
Comme une spirale
Lamia Chraibi
28 minutes | 2024
Soutenu par PRIM dans le cadre
du Programme d’Aide à la création

Comme une spirale reveals the anonymous testimonies of five women under the yoke of the Kafala system in Lebanon. Through a rich soundscape of voice-over, music and urban buzz, Lamia Chraibi impeccably captures Beirut in a tumultuous state. Grainy images, the effects of shadow and light and double exposures evoke the impossible dilemma of migrant domestic workers who have sometimes had to abandon their children for the promise of work, and who, in this powerful piece, tell of their toxic relationship with this country. Comme une spirale encourages us to reflect on notions of identity, home and justice, and the meanings they can be given by the harsh stories of these largely voiceless and disenfranchised women.

Rencontre internationale du documentaire à Montréal
Courts et moyens métrages nationaux 2024
Vancouver international film festival
Sélection officielle 2024
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