La Cartomancie du Territoire
Philippe Ducros
1h17 minutes | 2024
Supported by PRIM as part of the
Programme d’Aide à la Création

An overworked French-speaking Quebecer, on his knees like many others in our time, sets off on a road trip to some of Quebec’s First Nations communities in search of meaning, healing and another way of reading the world.
He tries to see what has been done in his name, with the intuition that through these people, he will better understand what is happening to him.
Based on testimonies gathered in various First Nations and Inuit communities of Quebec, La cartomancie du territoire questions the relationship Quebecers have with native reserves and natural reserves, with the colonization of territory and thought.

Festival du cinéma de la ville de Québec
Official Selection – Canada, 2024 (World Premiere)